After dying your hair, the most common problem is to find a way to bleach hair dye on the scalp is very difficult. But with many years experience in hair business, King Hair Extensions will introduce to you some tips that can help you bleach color dye on the skin safe and fast.
Hair dye that stick on the scalp or other parts of the skin is very difficult to completely cleanse if using a conventional method, so if you are headache seeking to bleach hair dye on the scalp safely and quickly, don't skip these tips below. It will definitely help you very much.
Using make-up remover to bleach hair dye on the scalp quickly
Using cleansing water will help to remove the dye on the scalp quickly, effectively and save money. Because almost women have a cleansing bottle to use it for. If you do not have it, just go to the cosmetics store to buy one immediately. (Remember to buy the type that suitable with your skin). Just rubbing off with cotton impregnated make-up removers, then rub the skin to bleach, for 5 minutes and then rinse with clean water. Do it 2-3 times until when you see your skin is cleaned. In fact, makeup remover can also bleach hair dye on the other part of your body, like hands, leg,...
Make-up remover products can help you bleach hair dye on scalp easily
Bleaching hair dye on the skin with a toothpaste
You buy a clean, new toothbrush with soft bristles and a toothpaste that has fine white powder. You already have a very effective color-bleaching tool. To be safe and careful you should try to bleach the hair dye on the skin in a small area first, apply a little toothpaste to the area, use soft brush to gently brush in circular motion for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water, dry skin with a soft towel. If not satisfied with the results you can be repeated 2-3 times.
This is effective because the main ingredient in whitening toothpaste is baking soda, which will act as a mild detergent, suitable to clean skin that is stained with dye.
Toothpaste is also very useful in this situation
Degrease hair dye on the scalp gently with olive oil
Olive oil will effectively remove the dye on your skin as it disrupts the structure of the dye. It also helps keep scalp healthy and the hair smooth. Of course, the downside is that olive oil does not clean as quickly and deeply as other methods, but it is important that the skin and the hair are well cared for. That why a lot of woman who love and choose the way.
You only need to apply olive oil throughout the scalp, massage your fingers lightly around the scalp, squeeze your hair lightly to combine hair. Leave it on the scalp at least 30 minutes, if possible keep it on the head as long as possible, even if you stay overnight, just wrap the head with a clean towel so the olive oil does not stick to the blanket. In the next morning rinse your hair with warm water, or you can use shampoo (non sulphate type), you will find the hair is soft, moisturizing full, the skin is also healthier. But you may have to do it several times to remove completely all hair dye on skin.
Olive oils is not only good for your hair health but can remove hair dye effectively
Using special bleach to remove hair dye
You can go to medical stores, cosmetics or hair shops to get advice which hair dye bleach that best fits your skin. You have to ask very carefully, especially when you have sensitive skin because hair dye is also a strong chemical.
How to bleach hair dye on the scalp is quite simple: First you mix the bleach with rose water first to reduce the wear and dryness of bleach at the lowest level (this step is not required). Then, soak the dyed skin in hot water or use a warm towel over the skin to soften the area for 3-5 minutes, then apply or soak the skin in bleach from 15-30 minutes. Rub gently to check if the hair dye can be remove, do it until it completely disappears or fades, then stop, rinse with water and use moisturizer.
Avoid this inconvenience by using Vietnam hair extensions
To avoid this problem you can easily use Vietnam hair extensions. There are a lot of benefits of using hair extensions:
- Dye to any color or make any hairstyle you want easily, without bad effect to your natural hair
- Time of using vietnamese hair weave can be up to 3 years
- Easily install or remove, just 10-15 minutes
- Vietnam hair extensions can blend well with your real hair
With all of that benefits, nothing difficult to understand that Vietnam hair extensions is favorite products for woman all around the world. You can choose any color and hairstyle you want like ombre straight hair super double drawn, natural wavy Vietnam hair or some steam hair like funmi hair super double drawn.
Many kinds of hair extensions and colors you can choose when coming to King Hair Extensions
For more information, you can contact our customer service to get advice and can see more pictures and videos of the product. Thank you for visiting King Hair Extensions Blog today.
Written by Eric