Healthy and beautiful hair is the desire of many women, besides taking care of hair with cosmetics, you should add nutritious foods to your diet so that vietnam virgin hair can be really healthy from inside. You want beautiful and healthy hair don't skip this article
1.If you want longer, stronger hair, remember eggs
In eggs contains proteins and amino acids that help restore the epidermis, polish hair and prevent split ends and soften your hair. In addition, eggs also provide a large number of B vitamins, especially Biontins, which helps hair and nails grow longer. Combine an egg with a quarter of the usual shampoo, apply it to your hair and incubate for 5 minutes. After washing, this mixture will give you healthy vietnam virgin hair
2. Sweet potato helps smooth hair
If you always have rough hair and lose shine, sweet potatoes will be a good choice for you. Sweet potatoes contain many antioxidants called Beta Carotene. Your body will help convert Beta Carotene into vitamin A, which helps prevent dry and tangled hair. In particular, it also helps circulate the glands on the scalp, creating mucus for hair
3.Carrots: Shiny hair
The first use of carrots makes the eyes clear and clear. In addition, carrots also help us to have healthy virgin hair. The rich source of vitamin A in carrots helps the hair stay shiny, soft, maintain natural greasy and the scalp is not dehydrated.
4. Poultry: Anti-broken fiber for Vietnam virgin hair
Protein deficiency is a serious problem for hair, causing hair to become tangled, tangled, and easily broken. For chronic or severe cases, hair is discolored. In protein-rich chicken, iron is important nutrients to maintain hair follicles.
5. Brown rice: helps hair strong
Proteins need a mixture of carbohydrate to provide energy for healthy hair. benefits of surprising brown rice by this type of rice provides a sustainable source of energy, the vitamin B group is needed to maintain healthy Vietnam virgin hair.
6. Vegetable oils (Coconut oil, olive oil ...)
Vegetable oils with an oil content of more than 60% help moisturize and nourish hair roots that stimulate hair growth. Antimicrobial substances in vegetable oils also help clean hair dandruff reduce bacteria accumulating in hair roots.
Gently massage vegetable oils on the hair, incubate with warm towels about 45-50 minutes and then shampoo your hair normally
Use a cotton swab to dip coconut oil or olive oil .. onto the hairline gently massages the oily skin and then wash the oil the next day.
7.Grains: For thick hair
In cereals contain zinc, vitamin B and iron. Zinc is extremely important for healthy and beautiful hair because zinc plays a role in regulating hormones, directly affecting the thickness and length of the Vietnam virgin hair.
8. Bananas: Restores damaged hair
Bananas have contanin vitamin B6.Vitamin B6 deficiency causes thinning and shedding of hair because the vitamin B group has an important task to help the body absorb nutrients. At the same time, vitamin B also plays a role in creating red blood cells that help nourish hair follicles, make hair shiny, long and smooth.
9. Make your own hair gel from aloe vera
Aloe vera also has many aesthetic applications and is included in skin and hair care products ... Hair gel made from aloe vera has the effect of beautifying and healthy vietnam virgin hair.
10. Avocado- a savior for dry, damaged hair
Nutritional composition of avocado includes vitamin A groups, vitamins E, D, and B6 and minerals such as copper and iron. These nutrients will participate in the process of nourishing soft and strong hair. At the same time, this group of vitamins also stimulates hair growth to help hair grow faster.