Besides the methods of hair care from the outside such as using cream, steamed cream,... There is a secret key care for healthy hair from the inside, it is a diet with necessary nutrition. Let King Hair Extensions share with you some hair care tips today!
Science has proven that healthy nutrients such as proteins, vitamins A, B, C, E, H (biotin), minerals such as iron, copper, zinc and omega 3 acids. And here are the most beneficial foods that provide nutrients to strengthen the hair.
Vitamin is needed for healthy hair
Lean meats, fish, eggs, cheese, beans (especially soy) are high in protein, providing the hair with essential amino acids for hair growth and longer hair growth. You need to take care this because the shortage of protein in the diet can lead to hair loss.
Sweet potatoes, pumpkin and dark green vegetables such as broccoli, kale, spinach contain Vitamin A to moisturize the hair, make hair less dry. Fish or orange vegetables such as carrots are also good for healthy scalp.
Whole grains, green leafy vegetables, soy beans, orange juice, wheat germ, fish, pork, chicken Vitamin B is one of the best vitamins for hair growth. Niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), biotin (B7), folic acid (B9), cyanocobalamin (B12) are the most important B vitamins.
Food brings necessary vitamins for hair to growth strong from inside
Vitamin C enhances the production of collagen needed for shiny and healthy hair. Vitamin C deficiency can lead to split ends problem, even hair loss.
Fruit such as orange, grapefruit, blueberry, lemon, watermelon, strawberry, pepper, dark green vegetables, vegetables such as kale, potatoes, broccoli, tomatoes, cauliflowers supplies a lot of vitamin C.
Vitamin E enhances blood circulation in the scalp and promotes hair growth. This is one of the most essential hair vitamins. All green leafy vegetables, whole grains, vegetable oil, wheat germ, butter, sweet potatoes, ginger, canola oil, olive oil, hazelnuts, almonds are rich in vitamin E
Biotin also is known as vitamin H, deficiency of them can cause of pruritus and dandruff. Biotin has a lot in whole grains, molasses, dietary yeast, nuts, fish, egg yolks, dairy products, meat.
The mineral is also important in hair care
As important as vitamins, minerals containing special minerals also help the hair grow long and healthy
Ironworks to prevent hair loss. Iron is found in dried fruits such as apricots and figs, red meat, green leafy vegetables, spinach, seafood, liver, eggs, meat, red beans, and whole grains. It can be absorbed when eating with foods rich in vitamin C.
Copper is a mineral that determines hair color and helps to absorb iron. Copper has much in shell plants, nuts, seeds, yeast, and mushrooms.
Zinc suppresses hair loss and dandruff, can be found in shellfish, brown rice, almonds, beans, and herring.
Minerals is as important as vitamins in hair care
Walnuts contain alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid, that can improve hair condition. Fish such as salmon, tuna, salmon, shrimp, oysters, sardines, mackerel and egg yolk are excellent sources of essential omega-3 fatty acids.
Setting up a healthy hair-friendly diet will help reduce anxiety about damaged hair. Incorporating care from inside the body and external protection is required for a healthy glossy hair.
Using hair extensions when your natural hair grow
We all know that to have naturally beautiful hair needs a very long time, but as a woman, how can we stop beautifying ourselves. Hair extensions could be a choice because it is fast, easy to use and can be last for a long time. We proud to be top Vietnamese hair suppliers, supply near a ton of human hair every month, bring beauty to a lot of customers all around the world. King Hair Extensions Collection has a variety kind of weft hair extensions: straight, natural wavy vietnamese hair, curly hair, funmi hair. We also have lace closure and lace frontal in same texture as weft hair.
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No need to know a lot about hair extensions, we will bring you the best Vietnamese hair. Visit Vietnamese Hair Blog every day to get more useful information. Thank you!
Written by Eric